Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hrist's Helmet V

Got around to taking a few photos of Hrist's helmet work.
Hrist's pretty excited about everything. I'll have to rig up some sort of 'transport' box or case if I ever plan to do outdoor photos of her armor. X_X She's packed on quiet a bit of weight with all her gear on as well. Really glad I opted out of not using resin, probably feel like lugging a brick around. For all her armor, it is remarkable light weight though.

I managed to find the perfect sized black feathers for the helmet without having to order some crazy by the pound bag of feathers and hope there would be 'some' sizes in that pound that I'd needed. probably paid more with the premium on the small feather bag, since I had to buy 3 bags to make sure I'd get double sizes for each side.
Helmet Rear view
Helmet fit perfectly. Which was a major relief in this costly project. Worth everything though. I sometimes joke around with my friends calling this my "Legacy Project"

Hrist holding a sample of Lidia's trench-coat work.

A slightly bummed Hrist, no future gowns in the work for her. But!Lidia's happy to report her trench-coat's underway!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

January Recap

Phew, what a busy month. Managed to knock out 2 yukatas, I still need to take some final photos of those -_- might not get around to that till the Matsuri festival though... Lidia's trench coat is currently a work in progress, and at the looks of things, it'll be my biggest sewing project yet! It's sucking up every free ounce of time I have, I am practically living and breathing this project outside of work, the embroidery is what's the biggest time sink here for this outfit. ;)

Hrist's helmet arrived and is pretty much finished. I do need to get around to taking some darn photos of that as well. Phew, so much to do so little time.
Does that mean Hrist is pretty much complete? :S Mostly, I think someday not anytime soon I'll do her boots. I also plan to make her halberd someday too.

Even managed to get out and do a photo story with Lidia this month too! :D

Upcomming plans, finish up this trench coat. Matsuri fest, and I'm hoping to get out of town if the weather permits it for some more photos. By the time I get done with this trench coat, I'm expecting sewing burn out... :P

Till next time!

Friday, January 23, 2015

New Project

Well, I started yet another new project, and yup, that makes it about 4 going on at once. -_- Hoping to finish that helmet pretty soon though xD That'll be one down, should have more details on this new project in a few days, in the drafting stages, and it's something I've been wanting to do for quiet some time. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hrist's Helmet IV

Final rings for the helmet arrived today! Now to get some prep work done for them. Can't wait to get this project finished. Should have some photos of the parts later this week when I get time to work more on them.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lidia - Chapter III - Timeless Clouds

New chapter in my Dollfie Photo stories is now live!
Excited  about this story, decided to turn it into a series rather then just a few randoms here and there. Still working on a title for it. For now I'll just call it "Lidia"
Lots of stuff to come hopefully this year! :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Yukata Work VI

Work's progressing, think I've got 4 projects going at once all of a sudden. :O Going to be flopping back and forth a bit on them. Yukata's nearly done! All I need to do is decorate Lidia's obi just a bit more, and make the 'bow' part and I'll call it done.
Can't wait to have this finished!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hrist's Helmet III

Work is continuously progressing slowly but surely. I did wind up completing the ring, and placed an order for that final component of the helmet. Right now just waiting on the primer and sealers to dry before they get blasted with a gloss primer.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hrist's Helmet II

Nice surprise waiting for me when I arrived home from work today, a really big box with parts for a helmet inside! :D

Fit perfectly on Hrist! Details printed out great, however! One minor snag, I realized I forgot to model in a certain thing...that know one buy myself is probably going to notice. Next free day I get, I'll be spending modeling a clip to go over the area where it needs to be. As is the helmet looks fine as is, but if I don't do this extra piece, it'll drive me crackers knowing I know it should be there but it isn't X_X Which will also result in a minor alteration. All in all what I did was cross her VP1 helmet with her VP2 helmet accidentally >_>;

Tomorrow, it's primer time!
I also had another tea cup ordered for Lidia :) I'm thinking of making it a jet black tea cup for her >_>;

Further note! I think Hrist's armor budget has just reached that of a brand new dollfie. :P

Monday, January 5, 2015

Yukata Work V

The work continues!

So busy lately! Things will be taming down here soon, with seasonal ending here in a few days I might have some serious time on my hands! To clean my living quarters or not to clean.... meh, I think I'll finish up a project first!
Managed to get Lidia's yukata completed! Now all that's left is the obi for her.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Yukata Work IV

The work continues! Really been making some serious progress lately on this project.
January's looking to be a big month, with another project on the way. Pretty excited about it. Need to finish up Lidia's Yukata first though. Few more odds and ends on the liner to sew in.  Some of these seems sure aren't pretty but luckily the liner hides most those flaws.
I got some ideas for her obi. Definitely has to be a lot more fancy and eye catching then Hrist's. *gasp* More fancy then Hrist's tastes you say!? Normally Lidia doesn't care about such frivolous things, how ever, for something like this type of outfit she should be over shadowing Hrist. Perhaps that's why I kept Hrist's yukata relatively plain and simple. I think hell froze over -_- maybe... >_>;;;
 Going to try and cram in some more work on this after work again today.

Yukata Work III

Managed to get quiet a bit more of work done on these Yukata's today. Hrist's yukata completed! All that's left is Lidia's now.

Lidia posing in Hrist's yukata for display purposes.
Hopefully have the main bulk of Lidia's completed tomorrow if I can cram in enough sewing before work, or after.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Yukata Work II

Big winter storm rolled in during New Years here! Crazy stuff, even had snow on the mountains! Exciting stuff, sadly I had no time to go on a cold leisure photographic road trip due to work... but snow of any kind this far south sure is a rare and amazing sight!

I did manage to get some more work on the Yukata though! While working on Hrist's parts, I decided Lidia needs one as well... only problem is Lidia's needs to be bigger, and bader then Hrist's :X So I'm expecting some wild obi for her. I had some silky left overs in black, and have been working on it while enjoying the rain outside.