Sunday, June 30, 2013

June Dollfie Meet

 This months Dollfie meet was a blast! Temperatures outside was in the 120f's making this quite a hot commute. But it was completely worth it! After a good while of cooling down in the nice air-condition house where the meet was at. Hrist jumped onto the platform to meet with the rest of the dollfies.
The whole group posing for a group portrait.
Someone in the group suggested that the sides were split into two, one half, the casual dressed dollfies, and the other half the more fancy elaborate ones. Lots of wild, crazy, fun stuff happened at this event. Hrist was happy to finally meet Agatha, who'd done her hair quite differently then the last time I saw her back in Feburary at Matsuri Festival.
Agatha and Hrist chatting it up and taking a moment to pose for the camera.

If they were all wearing black, this would have been a real scene to remember ;) 

Some really great moments, and a lot of informative conversations!
Even Dollfies need welfare, waiting in a food-stamp line, single mother of 4 children. :P
Probably not quite what was going on in this pose, but it was definitely the first thing that came to my mind when I was it. 

 Ending of such a fun event, as always, looking forward to the next one, as is Hrist!

Haven't had much time to work on any new projects lately, I've been modeling and planning to do a new possible print of something, I'll have more on that in the comming weeks.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Reticule Pattern

Here's the pattern I made for the reticule  Easy to modify, can re-size to suit any size needed. The liner is optional. I made one without a liner, when I used some thick main material, use of a drawstring was kinda... rough. So it worked better without a liner. Thin material how ever + liner = :)

The rest is  up to the imagination on how you want it to look, you can add tons of fringe to it, or hanging tassels or chains, and what ever else you can think of. :D I still need to make a bigger bag so Hrist can tote her tea set around with her to doll meets and stuff.

This is the pattern I used for the project, Reticule Project - "Draw Strings"  I made back in May.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Gown and Cloak Photo-Shoot

At long last! I finally had some time to setup a small photo-shoot for Hrist to display her new Gown, and cloak. Hrist's new boots arrived in the postal mail the other day, and I must say, I don't think I've ever seen Hrist so happy to finally have a pair of shoes to wear!
My lovely battle-maiden! :3
Other projects I plan, I have a few ideas in mind, I started to draft up in my head. Really wish I had an embroidery machine -_- Someday! I still need to improve my sewing skills drastically too. I'd still love to make her armor once I get the $$$ and time for that...

Hrist is looking forward to her next photo-shoot. But dreading anything outdoors, in this 108f weather out where she lives ;)

More photos of her photo-shoot can be found here at Figure.Fm.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cloak Part II

 It's done! I think :X Did a few alterations on Hrists gown, I might decide to go back and fix some things on her cloak or add, haha

I need to pose her eventually better, she resting against the sewing machine, and it looks like it's a massive cloak, like really big in this picture. I think she's ready to tackle those cold arctic tundras!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cloak Part I

Started working on a cloak, perhaps I made it a bit longer, knee length, then I had sketched out but it's shaping up.

Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get the rest of the materials I need to finish it up, the lower half needs some trim to accent it. otherwise it blends in with the gown, and things start to look really strange.