Work has been pretty steady paced lately, spent pretty much my entire weekend working on this stuff. Lucky for me the patterns I created worked very well for not doing a test of them.
Work begins on the liner. |
Pants were completed on Friday, I totally failed to take photos of them though. Hrist is currently wearing them however, and the pockets for them turned out pretty well as did the liner for it. I'm just stumped if I should leave them blank black, or add something to them.... really depends on how the skirt mechanism design thingy I have in mind but am not 100% satisfied with the design works out... it could morph into something else before I start on it X_X
The blouses liner. |
As for the blouse it's currently 85% completed as I write up this blog entry. One sleeve to go, which should take a few more hours to finish with all the beads. And then the closing buttons for the blouse need to be installed. Less then two weeks before Matsuri though! Not sure if I'll be able to cram out two more parts of this outfit in time xD still have a lot of belts to make and other crap for this as well!
Sleeve work begins! |
Was a white liner nesscary for a white blouse? Probably not, but Hrist was telling me she desired complete comfort with this outfit, and no chaffing seams to worry about this time. I think she liked the soft feel for it when she did a test fitting earlier.
In other news, Lidia's still adventuring throughout the abyss hunting down remnants of dragon clans and waging war with the demonic legions. I have a feeling she'll be requesting her primary weapon once she gets back...
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