Sunday, July 5, 2015

Renderman Tests

June sure went by fast, and what a busy month for me X_X No new projects started. Haven't had time for anything sadly. How ever I have had a chance to play around with Renderman a bit lately, and love it completely. I've been using Mentalray for years, and it did not take me long to sway me from MR at all. RM just makes sense to my brain. It's very intuitive and user friendly. And I don't feel like a dog, that burred a bone. and forgot where, and starts digging up the entire backyard in hopes of finding the correct node to use/settings to create a shader that looks ok. Or the workaround bypass to achieve an effect.

Lidias sword, my first test render using RM shaders.

I've only brushed a bit of the surface of RM and haven't had a "wtf ugh" moment yet.
At this point, it's looking like so long MR for me... might actually be inspired enough to start doing renderings once again. it's been years for me!

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