Friday, March 1, 2013

Hrist Head work

Well my DDH-02 head arrived a few days ago. Couldn't wait to get started on it. I spent a week prior drafting out ideas for the face. Crossing the Anime/Realistic threshold was a bit of a challenge.
Eventually I came up with a design I felt hit a happy medium of what I was looking for, especially in the Gothic bold eyelashes. Should really help bring out her face once I get some hair for her. I hope anyway, if not, it'll be redo time. The sketches I made for her using this idea with hair seemed to work well though. So hopefully!
All the colors pretty much follow my 3D design too.

Ok... Onto the project!
Keep in mind this is my first face painting doll head project.
Quite a learning experience for sure.
Comments and suggestions are welcome! :D

Attempt #1

So I started sealing up  my head with ZM Finishing Powder Spray UV-Cut. Good stuff. coat went on nice and evenly.
Blocked in the head, Sealed another coat, did some final painting, almost done! One more coat of ZM to seal it in, Sfft...pfft...sffft.  (my expression was   !:O  wth... did that just really happen?!   )
No way... the unimaginable happened. the spray can was shoot'n out chunks... then it went totally clogged...
No idea why this happened, I did proper cleaning procedures for can after each spray...
One good thing is this stuff dries fast out in the desert where I live... maybe a little to fast...

Paint attempt #1 = FAIL  Couldn't do a thing about the chunks that sprayed on the head.... redo...5 hour project bust...
BTW if anyones got an and helpful hints/advice on using ZM Finishing Powder Spray UV-Cut do tell! And thanks!  I really loved the stuff when it 'worked'

Attempt #2

After a good 30 minutes of cleaning the head off to start again....

First two sealer coats... ended in 10 seconds of spray followed by a nasty clog... wondering if this was normal or not...
Working around the clogs, spray to make sure it sprayed, then quickly spray down the head before it clogs again, repeat.
On the bright side I got a lot of head painting practice in! :D 
5 hours later, Head attempt 2 was looking better then the first!

Paint attempt #2 = Not bad... After staring at it for a while... I decided the lashes were out of control in your face bold... loved the brows lips, the eyes... not happening. Flip a coin... to keep or not to keep. All 3 times, landed on a redo...

So let the erasing starting from scratch again begin!

 Attempt #3

Same process... learned a few good techniques for blocking in, and stuff
Paint attempt #3 = Success!
Few things I might alter someday. But overall I liked the end results of this one.

I installed my custom eyes that I made for Hrist, choosing 18mm eyes for this project.
The eyes, I made about 23 different iterations of eyes. Ironically the way the accrylic lens works the colors I thought that were meh... seemed to work the best though. o_O

Now... I need to find a hairstyle that will fit her well with some trimming :) And the funds to do it... might get another head just to paint with, I found it to be quite addicting, even at 3am to be working on a head.

Till next time!

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